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National Law Enforcement Museum

National Law Enforcement Museum

Mingle among the artifacts of some of the baddest lawbreakers (and enforcers) in American history. See Al Capone's actual bulletproof vest and the credentials that belonged to Elliott Ness, the FBI Agent who brought him down.

The National Law Enforcement Museum is the newest Museum in DC; this is a can't miss attraction. Prepare to discover the most interactive Museum in the district. You will be able to solve a crime in the Take the Case Exhibit, go undercover with the Covert Operations Exhibit, make the tough decisions as a 911 dispatcher and test your skills in their immersive training simulator.

The 52,000 sq. ft. Museum has an open floor plan that is sleek and an architectural marvel. All underground, the Museum houses over 100 screens and a majority of those are interactive touch screens. Come for some law enforcement fun!

  • Cafe/Coffee Shop
Total Meeting Space Sq. Ft


Largest Capacities

Banquet capacity: 120, Theatre capacity: 180, Reception capacity: 500

Distance to Conv Center

Array Blocks

Nearby Landmarks

National Mall, Smithsonian Institution, U.S. Capitol, Union Station, Walter E. Washington Convention Center


Voucher Program, Military Discounts

Metro Station

Judiciary Square

Metro Line



444 E St. NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States

(202) 737-3400
Meeting Space
Dimensions (ft.)
Total Sq. Ft.
Ceiling Height (ft.)
Reception Capacity
Theater Capacity
Banquet Capacity
Classroom Capacity
  • Theater
  • Hoover Research Center
  • Museum Main Exhibition Floor
  • Museum Special Exhibition Space
  • Museum Main Exhibition Floor and Special Exhibit Space
  • x
  • x
  • x
  • x
  • x
  • 1600.00
  • 400.00
  • 2800.00
  • 2080.00
  • 4880.00
  • 20
  • 250
  • 180
  • 500
  • 109
  • 180
  • 20
  • 120

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