Run a delightfully sustainable event. Allow TripZero to source your event hotels and we’ll offset your attendees’ travel carbon footprint–for free.
TripZero provides hotel sourcing and housing services, while offsetting your event’s travel carbon footprint–for free.
From medical conferences to music festivals, our customers are driving a movement to stop global warming. They’re offsetting the huge carbon footprint created by travel to their events while enabling growth in reforestation and renewable energy projects around the globe. Along the way, they’re educating their communities and leading their industries.
As your Sustainable Event Planner, TripZero sources everything from single hotel meetings to city-wide events. Then we provide beautiful hotel booking portals that sell out your room blocks and share your event’s sustainability story. When your meeting concludes, we calculate the carbon footprint created by attendee travel and balance it through the purchase of Certified Carbon Offsets. These purchases fund projects that either remove CO2 from the atmosphere or prevent emissions from happening in the first place.
Feeling tight on time? We’ve got you covered. As your dedicated Event Manager becomes an extension of your team, you’ll spend less time on everything from contract negotiations to block management. Leaving you more time to focus on the programming, speakers, sponsors and attendees that make your event a success.
As a Certified B Corp, TripZero joins a global community of companies using business as a force for good. Please, join us–we promise to delight you, and your attendees.
- Open to public
- Green/LEED Certified
- Sustainability District Member